domenica 12 febbraio 2012

VH fighting for #1

The Van Halen News Desk has posted a call to action for all VH fans to show their support and help win the race for the #1 album this week.

**Please join the crusade and share with friends and family, media contacts, tastemakers, artists who love VH and anyone who loves rock and roll!

Link to iTunes for sharing:
Link to VHND news item:

From the News Desk:
"The time has come for Van Halen fans to make a stand and for rock and roll to rule the charts! Van Halen has a fighting chance to have the #1 album in America next week but we need your help. If you haven’t bought the album yet, buy it now or by Saturday to make sure it counts for Van Halen’s fight to the top this week!
If you have bought it – by another for a friend (you know will love it!), or buy another just to support Van Halen and the return of ROCK MUSIC!"

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