I’ll prove it:
1. The antichrist is popularly believed someone with political affiliation with a religious background opposed to God and Christ. Sure, Gaga is an artist, a contemporary one at that, but a true fan can’t forget her speech against “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”
Sure, she’s a humanitarian in a sense, but so is the antichrist. The antichrist will be a definite individual, a human being with outstanding ability and extraordinary talents. Talents…of course, like singing, that can distract and often speak loud enough to increase praise.
The antichrist will not be some strange creature, unrecognizable to you and me, some foreigner, a man from Mars or another solar system. Antichrist will not be a stranger to humanity. In Born This Way, she repeatedly symbolizes that she’s equal to us. However,
his kingdom will be both a political and an ecclesiastical empire. hmm… Ecclesiastical? Like another religious iteration of Christianity? “The Manifesto of Mother Monster”?
In the scriptures, horns are symbolic of power, and crowns of ruling authority. Often enough, we see illustrations of the devil with horns, because he is a powerful evil.
“Don’t be a drag, just be a queen.”
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